The setup for this reading dice experiment in OpenCV is very simple: we will place a webcam at a predefined height above a dark, uniform plane.we will use a set of white dice with black dots. Since the height of the webcam is fixed and we’ll always use the same set of dice, as a consequence they will always appear approximately of the same size. To build this Hand Gesture Recognition project, we'll need four packages. # import necessary packages for hand gesture recognition project using Python OpenCV. from import load_model.To use YOLO via OpenCV, we need three files viz -’yoloV3.weights’, ‘yoloV3.cfg’ and “coco.names” ( contain all the names of the labels on which this model has been trained on).Click on them o download and then save the files in a single folder. Now open a python script in this folder and start coding: OpenCV Tutorial. OpenCV is an open source library that provides implementations of major computer vision and machine learning algorithms. If you want to implement an application to detect faces, playing cards on a poker table, or even a simple application for adding effects on to an arbitrary image, then OpenCV is a great choice. Image recognition using traditional Computer Vision techniques : Part 1. Histogram of Oriented Gradients : Part 2. Example code for image recognition : Part 3.
Object detection using traditional Computer Vision techniques : Part 4b.